
JEANNE KREIDER  DN, LMP, BFS has been involved in the medicinal application for the health field since she was sixteen as a volunteer for hospitals. This developed into a passion for service in nursing where she spent most of her time in coronary units and intensive care.

She left nursing in 1975 to pursue the natural wildlife of British Columbia, until her return in 1982 to Washington. There she began her career commitment in natural healing at a clinic in Bellevue WA where she began her work in bio-vibration medicine.

Meeting with remarkable and inspirational chiropractors who were non-traditional in their application of healing, she pursued a doctorate in nutrition and natural healing modalities. She was soon accepted into an international health organization where the primary focus was vibrational medicine.

Successful from the first day she started thirty-six years ago using vibration medicine; she established her own clinic, Bellevue Wellness Center in Bellevue, WA. which keeps her busy daily.  A significant part of her work is now fathered under Natural Force Healing, founded and created by Dr. Ken Davis and Lisa Davis. Besides incorporating Bio-Vibrational medicine, Jeanne also practices many modalities, including Bio-Kinetics Health, MFT (Morphic Field Technique), Bio-Feedback Scope, as well as nutritional counseling.

Jeanne has over the years done Remote Wellness Sessions for many types of situations; emergencies, pregnancy, for babes, children, and adults as well as many types of animals.

She has enjoyed thoroughly her years in practice and now for some who are at such a distance or in need of a treatment 'today' Jeanne offers the Remote Wellness Sessions here on-line.