Remote Wellness Sessions  

A Remote Wellness Session is when a person does not need to be present and will still be able to receive a treatment that may clear any interference relating to body/mind/emotional/spiritual issues one may have at any given time. The remote session can take place at any time and any location where you are. All that is required is information from you, plus one full-length picture of yourself (front, side - head to toe).

Jeanne will do a Remote Evaluation first, based on what you are presently exhibiting based on your particular request and what is being asked for. Then, based on what shows up in the evaluation, a Wellness Session will be sent remotely, using focused intention, biofeedback information, and a variety of healing modalities.

A report of what was observed and suggestions will be sent to you by email.

The time spent on remotes depends on the situation, though most remote wellness sessions are an hour, and possibly more time. It might be necessary to have more than one session, depending on personal needs.

To order Sessions, or if you have any questions, please email Jeanne using the Contact form here on the site. 


Session Prices:

Remote Wellness Session:  $195

Remote Wellness Follow-Up Session:  $85  

A Follow-Up Session continues to work on areas you have requested, as well as re-evaluating the first session. Adjustments are made accordingly.


Also available:

PET / ANIMAL Remote Wellness Session is also available: $45





Disclaimer and Understandings of Use of Site and Services:  Statements and services made on this website or delivered have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or any other governing agency. Services are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. Remote Wellness Sessions are complementary healing, and may be an enhancement to, not a substitute for, conventional medical or mental health psychological diagnosis and treatment. We do not diagnose physical or mental conditions, prescribe or perform medical treatment, or prescribe medications. Remote Wellness Sessions do not interfere with traditional medical or mental health professional caregivers and treatment. Remote Wellness Sessions assist to improve energetic imbalances in one's body/mind/spiritual structures which allows the body to release, enable and activate its own innate healing ability. When the energy of the body is balanced and moving correctly, the body's innate natural energy heals itself. 

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